Message for 5/8/24

Pay attention to where you hold resistance. Trying to control outside circumstance may leave you feeling stressed and depleted. Decide to flow with whatever is happening around you. Release tension by allowing things to unfold without fear. Relax into the shifts and find the hidden gifts that lie within change.

Everything happening around you is assisting you in elevating the energy within you. Wisdom lines the folds of change. Let yourself be transformed by falling gracefully into the into the flow of what simply is, right now. Great fires are cleansing you of what is no longer needed- let go and be free.

The evolution is a revolution- don’t fight, surrender and find a new level of peace. Some situations are just not worth your time and effort anymore. Release with love, but let go and move on. It’s time to begin building on new foundations. All the power you need is within you right now. Decide to make the shift, through fear, into deeper understanding and all you are searching for will be uncovered.

Message for 5/7/24

Under the dark light of the New Moon anything is possible. Open your heart to your potential and allow yourself space to dream. With the Sun and Moon in Taurus this is a perfect time to plant seeds of material growth and abundance. What you nurture now will reach fruition at the Taurus Full Moon in Autumn.

We are in the midst of a collective rebirth. Change has washed through and shifted us into a different vibration. Embrace opportunities by releasing fear and doubt. Old paradigms have been uprooted and no longer hold sway. Shift with the current and allow this New Moon in Taurus to assist you in realizing your new path.

You may be inclined to fall back into old patterns right now. That’s okay, change is difficult. Keep your eyes on the road ahead and your feet beneath you. Use the powerful dark moon to feel more and think less. Use this time to delve deeply into your heart’s desires and sow those seeds into the garden within you. Remember that you are safe, that you are ready to change and that all you’ve been working towards is also making its way to you.

Message for 5/6/24

As the storm clears take a look around and observe what’s been changed. Strong transformational winds helped you to clear away all those things that weren’t needed anymore. Take a breath and see what’s been lost. Notice with an open heart what gifts have been uncovered. Allow the healing process to soothe and smooth all the painful parts so you can emerge renewed.

It’s time to stand up and step into the new vibration. You are not who you once were. Powerful change has washed you clean of old, acquired Qi. Rise up into the new day with a deeper understanding of who you are and your purpose here. All things begin and end with a deep breath. Let go and find the flow. It’s time to expand.

Above all things, trust yourself. You are ready to glide into a new way of being. With new eyes, color the world around you in bright and vibrant hues. With new ears, connect to the songs of the ancient ones through the natural sounds of birds and water and wind. This rebirth is a gift from the highest realms. Step into the light of acceptance and become so much more.

Message for 5/5/24

Refocus your perspective to realign your energy. Still your mind amid the noise of change and uncertainty. The universe unfolds exactly as it should- trust your path and breathe deeply. Nothing is happening that is not for your highest good. Step into the fires of transformation and be reformed.

Do not allow the worries of your mind to stop you from seeing the bigger picture. Old ways are being replaced by new energy. Accept change as a natural course of events and let yourself find peace. There are exciting opportunities forming- calm yourself and prepare for beautiful things to happen.

This process is about trusting a deeper way. Walk with courage and inspiration. Trust yourself and your intuition. You’ve made these changes manifest, now it’s time to follow the road and see where it leads you. All is always well. There’s nothing you cannot handle. Take the step and be beautifully transformed.

Message for 5/4/24

As waves of beautiful transformation wash over you, do not be afraid. Scales are being realigned and what you desired is being made manifest. Keep a level head and don’t allow your emotions to overwhelm you. You are stepping through new doors, it’s not meant to feel safe. It’s time to expand. Be inspired by how far you’ve come and then take another step.

Old bridges are burning and falling away. There’s no need to look back, that road is a memory. Step into a deeper understanding of who you are and what you need. Let your intuition guide you down new paths. Find comfort in the structure of your beliefs- you know what is right for you. You’ve never been more ready than you are now to embrace your power and create the life you desire.

It is time to leave your comfort zone. Stretch beyond the familiar and step into the fields of inspiration. New experiences will help you grow into your true potential. Don’t hold yourself back. Spread your wings and take that first flight into the unknown. This is a massive period of growth- take a risk, make a move, be bold.

Message for 5/3/24

Look to all that is to be gained instead of what could be lost. The mind is a gatekeeper of energy. Mindful thoughts yield positive feelings. Positive feelings help our intentions manifest. Manifesting our intentions through mindfulness will dictate our destiny. It all starts with one decision to shift from lack to abundance, from fear to gratitude- one mindful thought can change the course of all things.

Decide today to surrender to the flow of circumstance. Each breath contains a new lesson. The birds have a song to sing… they sing in the rain and in the sun equally. Open your heart to the magical calling of your deeper voice and let yourself be heard. The weather outside of you is no matter when you maintain your inner balance. True power is within you right now. Embrace each moment as a blessing and see yourself expand beyond outside influence.

When we turn our attention from trying to control the outside world to finding peace within we begin to shift from powerlessness to freedom. As children we are imprinted by the acquired energy of our family and friends. We come to believe that this acquired energy is real. When we step into the river of mindful living we are cleansed of this energy and begin to see that the answers we seek are already within us waiting to be remembered.

Message for 5/2/24

Get clear about your intentions. Don’t allow old patterns of lack and unworthiness to keep you from expanding into your highest potential. Move beyond any limiting factors by focusing on what you truly love and do more of that. Stop the spinning thoughts relating to how, what if and I can’t… know that you wouldn’t be standing here now if you weren’t ready.

The universe is moving you into a different timeline. The shift may have you feeling uneasy and unworthy. Slow down and just observe everything until you begin to feel more comfortable. Take a deep breath and let the dust settle. Use the space between what was and what is yet to be to realign your thoughts. Replace fearful self talk with faithful belief. You are here because you are ready to make this shift.

All the answers you need are already within you. Get quiet and let your wisdom rise up naturally. New insights are flowing through the folds of space and time- guiding you on this new path. You are more than ready to make this timeline transfer. Get still and allow your heart to show you the beauty that lies at the deep center of all that is. It’s time now to release, refocus and let yourself become realigned.

Message for 5/1/24

Beltane Blessings 🔥

Let the fire of your heart light the way today. Leave behind you the heaviness of what was- those lessons have been learned. It’s time to move forward- to move towards new beginnings. Remember that your power grows when you put your attention on your intentions. Spark the flame and ignite your passions… it’s time to let your heart take the lead.

New beginnings sometimes arrive as painful endings. It’s okay to mourn what’s been lost- but don’t linger for too long. The rising sun brings opportunity but you must be ready to receive. Don’t hold yourself back. Step with the courage of spring flowers opening to the distant sun. You are ready or you wouldn’t be here. Stop overthinking and take the leap into the fires of the change.

Transformation can feel overwhelming. Take things slowly and be patient with yourself. The beautiful changes that are happening are much better than you can imagine. Let go and trust that things happen exactly as they should. In every painful moment is a lesson. Within each blessing lies a breadcrumb leading you towards your divine purpose. Release your fear and step with trust.

Message for 4/30/24

Get discerning about where you are spending your valuable energetic currency. If you are looking to grow flowers don’t put your attention on nurturing grass. Venus (our values) remains square to Pluto (transformation). Allow the waves of change to permeate deeply into your consciousness and become transformed in heart and mind. What you seek is also seeking you- place your attention on your intention and watch new seeds grow.

To achieve our dreams we need to shift our thoughts. Jupiter (expansion & abundance) is conjunct Uranus (sudden change). Use this energy to make important changes in your awareness of all things. How we view the world outside greatly depends on how we view the world within. Shift into a mindset of gratitude and watch that mindset become manifest all around you.

Decide to step into the river of awareness today and let it take you into a deeper flow. Free yourself from the pains of the past and the fears of the future. Give yourself over to this moment and be ravished by the fires of your own beautiful light. Within you is an ancient and timeless being. Surrender to your higher, observer mind and see your own deeper truth.

Message for 4/29/24

Let go of all the things you thought you should be and let yourself bloom naturally & in your own special way. Let go of what others expected you to be for them and embrace the relationships that leave you feeling refreshed exactly as you are. Let go and let go deeply of anything that doesn’t resonate with your heart and higher mind. The true path is already at your feet, so stop looking for something else to guide you.

Allow a new sense of purpose to provide you with inner balance and clear sight. Find your own unique path forward and leave behind the noise of the world. You are expanding into a more profound sense of YOU with each step you take. Walk away from forgetfulness and breath in the mindful and magical air of being alive.

Look deeply into your habitual patterns and release those that weigh you down. Escape from the pain of forgetting your power and embrace the truth of who you really are. The ties that bind you are illusory and cannot hold you anymore. Free your thoughts from the snares of brokenness and let yourself be renewed. You are the energy of spirit inside a body. Don’t lose your higher, observational mind by sinking too far into material matters. Elevate and remember.